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For total privacy visit us on the Tor network at imtrjn3qe2tzh5ae.onion while using the TOR Browser Bundle.

#31c3 : A new Dawn – Our favorite videos

All vids can be streamed/downloaded at

Reconstructing narratives – Transparency in the service of justice

Why watch?
Cause it’s insanely awesome talk by TOR dev Jacob Applebaum and Intercept Jouranlist Laura Poitras (work with Snowden).

Related links
Encrypted Phone Calls for iPhone
WhisperPush: Secure Messaging Integration

State of the Onion – Neuland

Why watch?
To learn about TOR from the official DEVs point of view.

Related links
tor-news — Tor Weekly News
OONI: Open Observatory of Network Interference

Paypals War on Terror – A Historical Re-Enactment of the PayPal14

Why watch?
Learn about the #PayPal14 #Anonymous #Sabu #USA-privacy

Freedom in your computer and in the net

Why watch?
Learn about the liberative importance, concepts and philosophy of free software.

Related links
GNU/Linux Distros
Philosophy of the GNU Project
GNU General Public License

The case of Chelsea Manning

Why watch?
To learn about Manning & Barrett Brown trials, legals issues and related laws.

Tell no-one – A century of secret deals between the NSA and the telecom industry

Why watch?
To learn the NSA’s background history, birth, actions, reasons, work, etc.

Tor: Hidden Services and Deanonymisation

Why watch?
Learn about the technicalities of how TOR works and techniques used to identifie users. What kind of hidden services exists, what they host and how they are used.

The Cloud Conspiracy 2008-2014 – how the EU was hypnotised that the NSA did not exist

Why watch?
Learn how the US govs legalize worlwide tracking via US services providers.

What Ever Happened to Nuclear Weapons? – Politics and Physics of a Problem That’s Not Going Away

Why watch?
Cause it’s scary fucking shit. Horrors of war.

Heartache and Heartbleed: The insider’s perspective on the aftermath of Heartbleed – The untold story of what really happened, how it was patched and what was learned

Why watch?
Uncover the myths of Heartbleed bug spread by medias and failed bloggers

Funky File Formats – Advanced binary tricks

Why watch?
To learn about files, how they work, how they can be used to trick you, etc. Funny and for almost everybody.

Hard Drive Punch – Destroying data as a performative act

Why watch?
For #lulz at looking stupid “pro” way of destroying the drive and learning how people do it. Philosophy related to data.

Related links
Revealed: the day Guardian destroyed Snowden hard drives under watchful eye of GCHQ – video

Practical EMV PIN interception and fraud detection

Why watch?
Learn about the unsecurities of physical transaction system (like debit and credit cards).

Why are computers so @#!*, and what can we do about it?

Why watch?
If you are a programmer, want to laugh and learn about the insanity and philosophy of software engineering. Get really technical at the end.

SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate. – You have a tracking device in your pocket

Why watch?
Because you have a mobile phone, and any decend hacker can use SS7 to mess you up :P

Mobile self-defense

Why watch?
If you watched SS7: Locate. Track. Manipulate and want to know more.